SIDRA Launch of the IDR Survey 2021 Preliminary Findings

19 AugSIDRA Launch of the IDR Survey 2021 Preliminary Findings

As part of the events surrounding the Singapore Convention Week, SIDRA is pleased to present its preliminary findings of its International Dispute Resolution Survey 2021.

The webinar will take place on 9 September from 430pm to 6pm (Singapore Time).  The launch will give a brief overview of the findings thus far, and feature a conversation between senior lawyers and in-house counsel on the various dispute resolution mechanisms, including Nadja Alexander (SIDRA), Michael Peer (PWC Southeast Asia Consulting), Chou Sean Yu (WongPartnership LLP), Nicholas Lingard (Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer), and Krishnan Nadarajan (ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Pte Ltd).

More details can be found in the attached flyer.  Registration is free and is at the following link: