31 Oct 2022 - Seminar on Perspectives on International Mediation - Mediating in States and Communities

Published on Nov 02, 2022

The Singapore International Dispute Resolution Academy (SIDRA) is proud to partner with the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD) and AUSAID for Perspectives on International Mediation - Mediating in States and Communities on 31 October 2022.  The talk today involved an in-depth discussion by Ms Rosemain "Dadang" Abduraji with brief comments by Hadzer, and kindly moderated by Michael Vatikiotis,…

Singapore Convention Week 2022: Launch of the SIDRA International Dispute Resolution Survey 2022 Final Report

Published on Sep 08, 2022

The Singapore International Dispute Resolution Academy is proud to have launched its International Dispute Resolution Survey: 2022 Final Report at the Singapore Convention Week 2022. The Final Report sets out the findings on user experience and satisfaction with different international dispute resolution mechanisms. During the launch, Angela Ray Abala, SIDRA Research Associate, presented an…

Launch of the Second Edition of the Singapore Convention on Mediation Commentary (30 August 2022)

Published on Aug 30, 2022

Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Health and Law Rahayu Mahzam officiated at the launch of the second edition of the Singapore Convention on Mediation: A Commentary. Authored by Nadja Alexander (Director of SIDRA and Professor of Law at the Yong Pung How School of Law at SMU), Shouyu Chong and Vakho Giorgadze, the Commentary offers an in-depth, comprehensive analysis of the Singapore Convention…

SIDRA and SMULA welcome their newly accredited mediators 2022

Published on Jul 05, 2022

The Singapore International Dispute Resolution Academy (SIDRA) and SMU Law Academy (SMULA) at the SMU Yong Pung How School of Law are pleased to present their 2022 Level 1 mediators accredited with the Singapore International Mediation Institute (SIMI). We had the pleasure of having Angela Ray Abala, Joshua Foo Zu Ian, Dr Emad Hussein, Kevin Lee, ACIArb, Dr Mark Mclaughlin, Divyesh Menon, Rebecca…

SIDRA and CiArb - Res Judicata, Issue Estoppel and the Public Policy Exemption

Published on May 24, 2022

SIDRA was pleased to be a supporting partner of CIARB Singapore's event on 23 May 2022 on Res Judicata, Issue Estoppel and the Public Policy Exemption.  The event took place in person at the SMU Yong Pung How School of Law with Mark Dempsey SC, Stuart Isaacs QC, and KC Lye as panellists, and Rachel Tan from SIDRA moderating.  

SIDRA Research Associate Vakho Giorgadze Publishes in Transnational Dispute Management

Published on Jan 22, 2022

SIDRA Research Associate Vakho Giorgadze has published on hybrid dispute resolution mechanisms in Investor-state disputes in Transnational Dispute Management.  The full article may be accessed here: https://www.transnational-dispute-management.com/journal-advance-publication-article.asp?key=1929 Congratulations Vakho!