The Singapore International Dispute Resolution Academy (“SIDRA”) commenced the SIDRA International Dispute Resolution Survey in 2019. This year, we are launching the 4th edition of the Survey. We are seeking participants who have experience in international commercial disputes and dispute resolution experience, including corporate executives, in-house counsel, lawyers and legal advisers.
The aim of the SIDRA Survey is to learn more about how and why businesses and lawyers make decisions about resolving cross-border disputes. It is focused on user experiences with arbitration, litigation, mediation, hybrid dispute resolution mechanisms and investor-state dispute settlement. This year, we are also launching two new sections on intellectual property and technology disputes.
Your participation will involve the completion of an online survey. Each survey will take about 20 minutes of your time. We value your input, which will help us map the state of current international dispute resolution practice.
If you wish to participate in the 2025 SIDRA Survey, please click on the following links:
By clicking on the links, you will first be directed to a participant information sheet and consent form, before starting the survey.
Participation in this study is entirely voluntary. You can withdraw from the study at any time.
We intend to make the findings publicly available in a report. If you would like to access previous reports, you can find them above.